Shopify Virtual Assistant
Hire a Virtual Assistant to Create and Manage the Shopify Store.
Running a business online may feel like walking on eggshells especially when you are unfamiliar with its territories and surf channels. An important and huge part of any business, whether small or large, is its marketing strategy and management- two of the most crucial selling points in a business, which have now progressed beyond the material boundaries of our reality to an online-based medium that ensures greater reach and traffic- and hence more customers and clients can flock to your site. But if you are any of the individuals merely starting or thinking of going online with your business, you may deem it fit to leave the better part of all the intricacies involved with the process of taking the store online to someone with relevant skills and experience in this area.
A Virtual Assistant (VA) is a person equipped with the proper knowledge and administrative skillset to create and manage your online store as you are left with the bigger responsibilities of running an entire business. Whereas both of you are bound by a contract for the amount of time or set task and project which you are at the liberty to decide, VAs are temporary workers to the rescue when you don’t want to surf the tedious and tricky tides of the online trade medium.
With a ginormous e-commerce platform like Shopify offering millions of businesses virtual entrepreneur space of its own to thrive on the internet, build their online stores and clientele- hiring a Virtual Assistant is a fairly common practice nowadays that will accentuate the growth of your sales.
Keeping all these in mind, any owner looking to hire VAs would, in turn, need to sketch out a job description detailing the exact duties and complementary tasks they expect of them to carry out during a specified period of employment. These might include a wide variety of tasks ranging from social media marketing to product and systems management. Every employer has different creative approaches and entrepreneurship as per his or her commercial needs. Your team of VAs will necessarily help facilitate the process of inching towards your monthly goals. You’d need to think this one over as you sit down to prepare your list.
You can now hire Virtual Assistants without sweating a brow, as many VAs usually offer services by the hour or per project online on a personal or shared website, such as Shopify and ConsultVA. But curtailing the outline of your job and theirs should be anything but a cul-de-sac to propagate better communication on both ends.
Top tasks that can be delegated to Virtual Assistants
1. Shopify Store Design
Your virtual assistant will come in handy opening up an account for you and establishing your store. With multi-colored themes (Shopify Theme Store) and custom designs, your online store will achieve the right results with the right help.
2. Add and Update the Products
Even online, you'd need to maintain a steady flow of range in your store collections. Update your product listing and add new ones that you think would attract new customers or the targeted demographic your product-specific online marketing. For this, you could leave the handling to your hired VAs.
3. Product Research
Analytics is a great way of receiving insight about your store and finding out the most-visited page or product(s) in your inventory. In view of this, researching about potential products is vital in testing consumer behavior. Consequently, you might need to make informed decisions about your business after you've received assistance in this regard.
4. Inventory Updates
Just as you would keep a book marking all the pre-ordered, back-ordered and out-of-stock items in your offline store, you can take the book online along with your business. Maintaining the inventory could fall into your hired help's responsibilities from the get-go.
5. Order fulfillment
An order fulfillment requires a third party watching over the products being received, processed and delivered to end customers. Your team of virtual assistance could facilitate this process when you're looking to sell online.
6. Logo Designs
Whether small or large, any business needs sufficient marketing to be visible in the online medium. A logo that you identify your business with would be a good start. It could also represent your brand values and what your business stands for. If you don't know where to begin, just ask your VA to design your logo for you.
7. Graphic Designs
Once you have the basics laid out, your web store should be easy to navigate and show your customers what you want them to see. Infographics, short animation clips, and videos are a few methods that will guide you towards that goal. Sometimes, you might need to account for the website load and stick with ways that help reduce it. Graphic designs will add the frills and fancies to your web store- so you need to optimize the most out of them.
8. Photoshop
Product photo guide or an online gallery needs clarity and touch-ups to attract your clients. VAs having proficiency in Photoshop can make your products look impeccable and stand out from the rest.
9. Content Writer
A content creator is the next step in marketing online who will endorse your business and its advertising through blogs, vlogs and creative content to engage with your demographic and build a loyal customer base.
10. Social Media Management
To expand your visibility and cater to a larger audience, it's important that your business stays afloat on various social medias such as having an authentic Facebook page, Instagram account and a Twitter handle. Social media management is a consumer-based, interactive and cohesive approach to yield long term solutions. You should always make an effort to engage with your customers even if it doesn't involve direct communication.
11. SEO
Ranking high in Google search results is a racehorse with barely one winner. To ensure that your stores rank in top search results, a digital marketer will have deployed marketing strategies beyond just using keywords to reach the target.
12. Email Marketing
When you're already on multiple social media channels, why leave mail out of the box? in the olden days, company advertisements used to arrive with the mail. Now you can fulfill that requirement by just sending an email to a group of potential buyers and your regular customers. Let that be your VA's duty of writing simple and casual e-mails that catch consumer' eyes whenever they check their inbox.
13. Customer Service
As soon as your business takes off and you have a steady flow of consumer lists, replying to email correspondence or reviews individually is next to impossible. While you should take pride in your business accomplishments and appreciate the feedback- both negative and positive- replying to each mail or comment would be doing yourself a disservice. Thus, an expert VA is an ideal choice for answering questions, moderating complaints and working towards consumer satisfaction.