Tips On How To Create A High Converting Product Page


The greatest secret for a booming business is nothing but conversions. You can do all you can to lure the audience in the best way possible but if your company isn’t getting the results in converting at least some part of the attracted audience, it’ll be a waste of your investment, both in terms of time and effort. 

According to research the usual rate of conversion for any page or site is usually 8-10%. It might seem like a small number but if the right tactics are used, it will eventually give a new height to your business. Remember that while selling online, your convenience power must be strong enough to convert your potential customers into your real customers. 

When a person visits your website, scrolls through your products the overall glance that the person gets from your website creates the first impression in their mind towards your site, read along to add wings to your business. 

Scroll down to read these 10 features that every high converting product page should have. 

1. Using High-Quality Pictures

The primary thing to keep in mind while aiming conversion is to flaunt the images in your website keeping the sharpness and clarity in mind. Understand that your services or products speak louder with the help of the images when the images are of high quality, its a cherry on the cake. 

Pictures speak to people, from the history to the contemporary world it is evident that when a book has pictures it speaks to us, likewise, when you put an image which has multiple angles, it would somehow convince a person into buying it. 

Another important thing to keep in mind is while high resolutions will help your visitors to observe the minute details of your products but on the other hand, it is important to make sure that the size of the images is compressed. The compressed size of the image helps the image to load in a jiffy, making your customers wait is something that you don’t want to do. 

There are many tools that you can use to check the speed of your website for free, such as Pingdom. The recent research by Walmart proved that the faster your website’s loading page is, the faster will be the conversion. 

2. Use Your Creativity To Write A Slaying Descriptions

A wise man once said, words hold the power to convince, influence and hypnotize if used perfectly. A properly entailed description has the power to change barren land into a fruit-bearing economy of a website. 

In this world of relevance, we thrive on researches, don’t we? Yes, according to research, many restaurants who opted to put a descriptive menu increased their sales by approximately 27% and developed a better understanding with their customers. 

How can you use this feature to lure your customers? 

The first thing that our brain automatically commands us to do after visiting a website and observing the products is to go through the product description. Messing up with the power of the product description will eventually mess up with your conversion rates. 

Using conversion copy-writing strategy will persuade your viewers to give your products or services a try. Some of the conversion copy-writing techniques are- 

- Don’t write, communicate. 

When a person writes, he informs. To set your standards above all the basic website, your content should talk, not speak. 

- Use Short and Simple Content 

Writing long sentences would surely not help in conversion, people only get attracted to short and simple content, avoid any complicated or technical terminologies that are not required in the content.  Do not go back and forth repeating the same thing. 

- Intrigue your Customers

Tell a story, initiate a conversation, draw their attention. 

- Be Informative and Witty 

Try to be as informative as you can, blend it with some A-class wit and you are good to go. 

Using bullet points will crank your description up a notch, some specifications that you can write in your bullet points can be- 

- Color 

- Size 

- Material 

- Measurement 

- Availability 

- Add Complementary features to lure your viewers. 

3. Prove the value of your product with your pricing 

You can give a slew of reasons but trust us, proving the value of your product as per the pricing will assure customers of your brands credibility. Some of the tips to follow by are- 

- Displaying the price of the same product before the sale 

- Price comparisons with competitors

- Display the pricing information, including the details if a buyer can take the products in installments. 

While shopping online, we always tend to get attracted to products or services that display a new price, cancelling the original price and giving an option to us, don’t we? Likewise, your customer will at least think twice if you are giving him a perk for his loyalty. 

However, if your product’s price is higher in comparison to your competitors, enlist the following reasons to tell them the product or service is worthy of what they’re paying. 

  • Focus on how luxurious the product is
  • Prove the sustainability of the product
  • Enlist the complimentary service along with the product
  • Assure them a longer guarantee than your competitors. 

4. Generating a feeling of urgency with smart messaging availability

Imagine getting answers to the questions you just imagined, sounds impressive, doesn’t it? When you display your products, a viewer usually has basic questions arising in his/her mind, giving answers to those questions along with the pictures it usually fastens the conversion rate as well. 

Some questions that you can answer along with your products are- 

  1. How much stock do you hold on that product?
  2. Specify your next service availability 
  3. Time duration in which the product can be bought on the same price

Try answering in a way that it creates a sense of urgency, let’s say if a customer reads that he can only buy this product for next two days or if the stock is less, he rushes to buy it. 

5. Build confidence by using social proof   

Its human nature to be a part of everything that they observe other people be a part of. A mentality shared by a group of people is called as social proof, it is most likely that people will want to buy products or services that they are watching other people buy or use already. 

Collaborating with brands that have already established an exemplary image in the eyes of the customers will help you gain some popularity and help in conversion. 

7. Use trust Signals to build assurance 

Majority of people in the contemporary world are frightened of online shopping due to the frauds happening on every other day, the fear of privacy and security is so strong that it pushes people to not buy things online even if they desperately want to. 

The only way to gain the trust of your viewers is to assure them of the payment modes and other security or private information of the customers. Try putting a special emphasis on these points- 

  • Money-back guarantee
  • An array of payment options for the convenience of your customers
  • Deliveries and Return policies

There are different tools that you can use to add security related to payments, delivery, exchange to your e-commerce store such as Brickhouse Security.

7. Option-Comparison to simplify the decision making

It is a proven fact that too many options can divert the opinion of your customers. A study showed that people who had an option to choose from 6 flavors of candies were more likely to purchase people who have 24 options in the flavors of the candies. 

Providing options along with proper guidance such as what is the best service for the customers according to their price, need and desires. When you give detailed information on one particular service or product, it helps the customer in decision making regarding the best option to choose from. 

8. Enhance revenue with cross-sells and upsells

These two options are nothing very different from option comparison but it majorly focuses on persuading your customers to- 

- Upgrade to purchasing something better 


- Automatically adding items to the cart that goes along with the product that you have already bought

Cross-selling primarily helps in increasing your cart size which will allow your customers to store more items thereby increasing the sale. You can simply display all the products that sync with their wish-list. 

Upselling means to display the items that are better than what they’re already interested in buying, doing so would make your customers trust your recommendations. 

9. The value of a strong call-to-action

Your customer is nothing less than a baby to you, step by step guidance will help them in building trust and loyalty towards the brand. Do not leave your customers to guess what to do next and waste a hefty amount of their time, step by step explaining to them what to do next. 

Make sure to use a different font or a different colour while following the CTA which will eventually help you in converting. 

Try To Do Even Better

It's a race and we all try to run as fast as possible for the ultimate win, don’t we? Conversion is a never-ending process, the more you do it, the better your results would prove itself to be. If you follow the above-given suggestions, you cannot stop the conversion of your page and go wild. 

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